Ethnographic Museum has collected more than one and a half thousand exhibits made of wood, clay, iron, copper, glass, bronze, stone, tools, postcards, books, maps, iron badges, etc.Exhibition is registered in the Department of culture of the administration of Sochi.
The area of the modern resort city of Sochi has a rich history that goes back centuries and millennia. The first people appeared on this territory more than 100 thousand years ago. This is evidenced by numerous physical and archaeological monuments: cave sites, dolmens, burial complexes, ruins of fortresses and temples. Many of them are known all over the world for their uniqueness and significance.
Archaeological research in the Sochi area began in the mid-30s of the XX century. Large-scale research and excavations were carried out during the preparation of the city for the XXII Winter Olympic and XI Paralympic games. More than 100 archaeological sites from the Paleolithic to the late middle ages have been identified in the Adler district alone. Currently more than 300 archaeological monuments are registered in Sochi.
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